If there is one thing I (we all) have learned about Halloween, it's that girls love to dress as scandalously as possible. And it seems every year this rule applies to girls who are younger and younger...
I, however, grew up a tomboy and with a big brother. So dressing scandalously was never really my thing nor was it allowed by my big brother. Plus, I'd rather be funny or stand out as something different besides a "sexy nurse" or a "sexy cop" or a "sexy catholic school girl". Nowadays you can go to Party City or any other specialty store and buy a "sexy" something costume.
ATTENTION LADIES: It's boring! Yes, it's nice to have an excuse to dress and act promiscuous, but it doesn't mean you have to.
Take this for example. Three years ago I went as Paris Hilton. Yes, you could be a "sexy" Paris Hilton (let's be honest, it's not that hard) but I went for a basic Paris, complete with a tiara, stuff animal Chihuahua, and a shirt that said "That's Hot". Two years ago, I was Amy Winehouse. Jeans, a big ol' hairdo, and a t-shirt that said "Rehab...no, no, no". And most recent, last year I was Miley Cyrus. Again, jeans, t-shirt with "Miley" on it, microphone, and some other accessories. Point is, we don't have to be "sexy" anythings. I have several girlfriends who are going as flappers this year, but their dresses are not tight or too short.
And then of course there are the guys. Guys, don't think that you are exempt from dressing foolishly on this holiday either. Two years ago, right after Michael Vick was busted for his dog fighting operation, I saw a guy in a #7 shirt with dogs tied around his neck. And this year, online I saw a costume that was a penis. Yes, a penis. That is it. I mean, come on.
I guess no matter my plea, there will always be "sexy" cops and school girls and prisoners and everything else, and unfortunately, maybe even penises, but here's hoping I see a bit more creativity this year.
What are you going as?
Happy Halloween!