Sometimes when you've had a bad day, not even the best things in life will cheer you up. Your favorite song...nope. Your favorite ice cream...sorry chubby hubby. You just can't find that happy place.
When in doubt, you know what I always turn to? The boob tube. Yup. Cause it makes you laugh, it makes you cry, and you can escape, even if for only 30 minutes or an hour.
There are a few key episodes of "Friends" that a girlfriend and I always rely on to pull us out of whatever hole we might be in. Here's a sampler of our favorites (no particular order).
1. The One with the Proposal (Part I and II)
2. The One Where No One's Ready
3. The One Where Ross Finds Out
4. The Last One (Part I and II)
Another show that pulls me out of the rut. "The Office". Fabulous. Some of my faves.
1. The Dundies
2. Casino Night
3. Business School
4. The Job
And then of course, there is the cliche girl show that has an episode for ANY stage in your relationship status, "Sex and the City".
1. Take Me Out to the Ballgame
2. Ex and the City
3. Anchors Away
4. The Post-It Always Sticks Twice
What are your go-to episodes???
I'm Sorry, I Can't, Don't Hate Me.