Friday, October 30, 2009


Trick or Treat??!! I prefer a treat these days, feel like with the recent men in my life, I've had enough tricks :)

If there is one thing I (we all) have learned about Halloween, it's that girls love to dress as scandalously as possible. And it seems every year this rule applies to girls who are younger and younger...

I, however, grew up a tomboy and with a big brother. So dressing scandalously was never really my thing nor was it allowed by my big brother. Plus, I'd rather be funny or stand out as something different besides a "sexy nurse" or a "sexy cop" or a "sexy catholic school girl". Nowadays you can go to Party City or any other specialty store and buy a "sexy" something costume.

ATTENTION LADIES: It's boring! Yes, it's nice to have an excuse to dress and act promiscuous, but it doesn't mean you have to.

Take this for example. Three years ago I went as Paris Hilton. Yes, you could be a "sexy" Paris Hilton (let's be honest, it's not that hard) but I went for a basic Paris, complete with a tiara, stuff animal Chihuahua, and a shirt that said "That's Hot". Two years ago, I was Amy Winehouse. Jeans, a big ol' hairdo, and a t-shirt that said ", no, no". And most recent, last year I was Miley Cyrus. Again, jeans, t-shirt with "Miley" on it, microphone, and some other accessories. Point is, we don't have to be "sexy" anythings. I have several girlfriends who are going as flappers this year, but their dresses are not tight or too short.

And then of course there are the guys. Guys, don't think that you are exempt from dressing foolishly on this holiday either. Two years ago, right after Michael Vick was busted for his dog fighting operation, I saw a guy in a #7 shirt with dogs tied around his neck. And this year, online I saw a costume that was a penis. Yes, a penis. That is it. I mean, come on.

I guess no matter my plea, there will always be "sexy" cops and school girls and prisoners and everything else, and unfortunately, maybe even penises, but here's hoping I see a bit more creativity this year.

What are you going as?

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ex's and Their Friends

This past weekend I had the unfortunate pleasure of running into my ex-boyfriend. Let me start by saying that the reason we broke up was because we simply were not right for each other. I tried for the last six months of our relationship to make us work, talk to him about our problems, and work on righting our wrongs. But at the end of the day, we simply weren't meant to be. And so, I broke up with him. I feel that I did all of this in the most caring, considerate, and mature way possible, thinking of him the whole time and trying to make it friendly and easy for both of us.

Well, it seems he had a lot of hurt, anger, and, apparently, hate towards me. I ran into him and his best friend on Saturday, and when I tried to be pleasant and courteous, I was, in return, embarrassed and humiliated. I greeted his best friend by saying, "Hey buddy, How are you? Good to see you" and in return, he said, "Buddy? Fuck you bitch". Needless to say, I was shocked and speechless.

In the aftermath of it all, my ex's only concern was that I, and anyone else who witnessed these acts, knew that he had nothing to do with his friends actions and did not advocate it. What my ex fails to notice is that he is the one who told his friend things about us and our relationship after we broke up that led his friend to feel and act this way. So not only was my ex trying not to be blamed for something he was directly responsible for, but he had NO concern with how it made me feel, but only about how the situation affected him.

But as always, this is just another shining example of how no matter the situation, he could never put anyone else before himself and refuses to take responsibility for his behavior.

So, to the ex's everywhere acting like this, GET A CLUE!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Laughing with the Boob Tube

Sometimes when you've had a bad day, not even the best things in life will cheer you up. Your favorite song...nope. Your favorite ice cream...sorry chubby hubby. You just can't find that happy place.

When in doubt, you know what I always turn to? The boob tube. Yup. Cause it makes you laugh, it makes you cry, and you can escape, even if for only 30 minutes or an hour.

There are a few key episodes of "Friends" that a girlfriend and I always rely on to pull us out of whatever hole we might be in. Here's a sampler of our favorites (no particular order).

1. The One with the Proposal (Part I and II)
2. The One Where No One's Ready
3. The One Where Ross Finds Out
4. The Last One (Part I and II)

Another show that pulls me out of the rut. "The Office". Fabulous. Some of my faves.

1. The Dundies
2. Casino Night
3. Business School
4. The Job

And then of course, there is the cliche girl show that has an episode for ANY stage in your relationship status, "Sex and the City".

1. Take Me Out to the Ballgame
2. Ex and the City
3. Anchors Away
4. The Post-It Always Sticks Twice

What are your go-to episodes???

Monday, October 5, 2009

Another Monday, another weekend in the books...

First, I am SO bad! It has been WAY too long since my last post. My apologies!

So let's get down to it. It's Monday. Ugh, but yes. It's a truth that everyone world-wide has to face every seven days. Yuck. But with every Monday comes a recap of yet another (un)eventful weekend.

Mine was fabulous, though, don't get me wrong, there were definitely some low points (my college football team lost, and it was due to bad calls and mere seconds), but I always try to find the high points, in every weekend, in every thing.

Friday, I went out with a group of girlfriends to see a cover band. What a blast! The cover band was fantastic, but we also did some mingling and met some cute boys (always a plus). However, on Friday night, while at said concert, I received a surprising text from the boy I mentioned in my "Winning and Losing" post. Let's call him "fanboy". Again, fanboy lives in another city and the last time we communicated, it was not good. But here he was, Friday night, in MY city, with no warning, texting me to meet up.

October 2, 2009 11:17pm "So. I'm in 'city'. Just got out of a show."

I mean, how dare he? And worse, as the night went on, and more booze was consumed, I folded and we ended up meeting at my apartment. Though we only made out, I can't help but feel stupid because the next day his parting words were "I'll call you on Sunday" and I believed him. But I never heard from him. He flew out today.

I am pissed. Naturally. And probably going to delete him from my phone, for good. But the weekend was still a success.

My team may have lost, I may have been let down by fanboy (yet again), but things are good. I hung out with my girlfriends, I didn't see Johnny (aka my addiction), I danced, met a new can a girl complain!